

Regents examinations are developed and administered by the New York State Education Department. High School students take the regents examinations in core high school subjects (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics, English, etc.) students must past at least 5 regents exams with a minimum score of 65 as a requirement for a Regents Diploma to graduate. If a student takes and passes 9 regents exams, they are awarded an Advanced Regents Diploma.


This is a 180-minute standardized exam administered to eighth and ninth grade students who are interested in applying to any of New York City’s Specialized High Schools. The test is usually administered during the last weekend of October. The most current test consists of two sections: English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. The ELA section consists of two parts – Revising/Editing and Reading Comprehension with a total of 57 questions. The Math section consists of word and computational questions in either a multiple-choice (52 questions) or grid-in format (5 questions).  


This is a standardized test used for most college admissions across the United States. Students have three hours to finish the math and critical reading sections and 50 minutes to finish the writing portion. The SAT now has an optional essay portion, but please note and the score you get on the essay will be separate from your score on the rest of the exam. Since April of 2016, the score ranges from 400-1600.


The ACT is another standardized test used by most colleges and universities across the United States. Students have 2 hours and 55 minutes to complete the exam, with an additional 40 minutes if students opt to take the optional essay portion. The ACT is scored on a 1 to 36 point scale. If the student has taken the essay portion, he or she will be given a score separate from the score on the rest of the exam.


Hunter College High School Entrance Exam is a three-hour exam administered once per year, usually during the first weekend of every January with no make-up days. It consists of 50 multiple-choice English Language Arts questions, 30 multiple choice Math questions, and a writing assignment.


This is the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools in and around New York City. This test is administered to eighth-grade students in November in order to be admitted into a Catholic high school. This test measures a student’s academic achievement in reading, written expression, mathematics and reasoning skills.


The ELA and Mathematics Next Generation Learning Standard tests are administered to students in grades 3-8. It is administered to students enrolled in New York City’s Public School by New York State. The ELA Statewide exam will be given in late March. The Mathematics Statewide exam will be given in early May.


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